0 for you. Sorry.
I gave you a zero for several reasons.
First, your choice of keys. ENTER can be a system key. SHIFT is a system key. If you hit SHIFT 5 times in a row, on some systems it can cause a box to pop up, which is annoying right in the middle of a game. Hold SHIFT for a period of time and it can cause things to happen on other systems. So don't use system keys! Use A, S, D, Z, X, or SPACE bar like everyone else. It's easier as well because then your fingers aren't packed into a small space on the keyboard.
And second, I couldn't get it to work. The arrow keys operated something like a cursor, but it didn't register that it was on anything. Without being able to right click and hit play, cuz that's been disabled, I couldn't go anywhere.
It looked and sounded great. Too bad I couldn't actually do anything. :\