Why would you push UP to drop something???
In the original NES version, I enjoyed (and counted on) being able to rotate left and rotate right. In the newer 'internet' versions, they replaced the separate rotation ability with "press up to rotate right," which was disappointing, but easy to handle on the arrow keys.
Keep the separate rotation ability, but be sure the control keys are comfortable on the player's hands. Or make them customizable, so players can choose and adjust as necessary. But also use UP to rotate right, as many people are used to that as being a standard control.
Left arrow should be left, right arrow should be right, and DOWN should be drop.
Other than that, the graphics were stylised, but not overly bad, at least, not in gameplay, which is what counts. The font, however, was cheap and nasty. Don't draw your letters, use a font. The music was good.