This game has great potential but the battle system is too difficult to figure out. If I continue to press the dam arrows, the enemy is still attacking me. If I just attack without arrow pushing, then no damage is done at all. The arrow pushing sux. It's boring. A better alternative it to have the arrow pushing, but the player attacks at every 10 correct arrow presses, and does the full earned attack at the first error or when .
Also, we need more information. A battle starts; which one is me? Which is the enemy? Or are there 2 enemies? I'm pressing arrows, so I should be building power...where is it? I don't see any bar raising with every push, and if it takes multiple presses to start showing, well then the guy's too weak. What are the 4 icons, and how do you use them? I found some info in the item equip screen, but if you don't go there first, then you're lost. There should be a name by each so people have an idea of what's what.
Ha! I won a battle! I found that if I mash the arrow buttons and watch the blue bar under the left guy and hit space when the number is 20+, then I can attack with some power.
Space Bar to get out of the victory screen would be nice, since the main play is all buttons.
Ok, so I've figured out the gameplay, but this button mashing thing is just too uncomfortable and unpredictable. This really sours the game, unfortunately. I know that's not how you intended it. People who type fast will do well at this game. people who don't... will write reviews like this one. :)