Please don't submit things YOU want to delete.
NO! This isn't Testgrounds! You can't just submit bits and pieces and parts and call them 'tests" and think everything's ok.
This "game" is a fragment. It's a piece that could eventually be turned into something entertaining, but for now it's nothing more than a part or a bit.
There have been lots of flash parts and bits coming thru recently. Newgrounds used to not put up with this sort of thing at all, but we've gotten lazy. The problem is not if it's bad, but rather if it's good. When it's bad, it gets a low score and gets blammed and is forgotten and gone. Done.
If it's a 'good' piece, then people get confused and may pass it. The problem is that then we've got a fragment of a piece of a bit of a flash floating around newgrounds forever, and what's the point of that? That's not what Newgrounds is for.
Newgrounds is for FINISHED items, so finish your projects and THEN submit them.
As for this "game", the drawings aren't bad, in a retro-kinda way, but they're still in need of MUCH work- unless you want to go for the retro theme, and then poor quality, er, simple graphics are ok. There's no music or sounds, and we require that here on Newgrounds. The controls worked, I guess. I could shoot even when I had been hit and had no ship on screen. Right now, this is still kinda pointless and boring.
Please finish before you submit. If you don't want to finish, then don't submit at all. Just because you CAN submit does not mean that you SHOULD submit.