Please don't submit tests to the Portal.
This isn't Demogrounds! You can't just say "please rate my part of a thing that I haven't finished yet..." You have put us in a bind, and here's why:
This "game" is a fragment. It's a piece of what could eventually be turned into a game, but for now, it's nothing more than a part or a bit.
There have been lots of flash parts and bits coming thru recently. The problem is not if it's bad, but rather if it's good. When it's bad, it gets a low score and gets blammed and is forgotten and gone. Done.
If it's a 'good' piece, then people get confused and may pass it. The problem is that then we've got a fragment of a piece of a bit of a flash floating around newgrounds forever, and what's the point of that?
Newgrounds is for FINISHED items. It's not good to have fragments floating around with people going, '...WTF is this??!?' when they find it.
Finish your projects and THEN submit them.
As for this game, the drawings aren't bad, but could still be 'refined' more. There is no sound or music. The controls are bad. You have to run quite a ways before you can jump. If you cut too many trees, you disappear off the edge of the screen. Without a preloader, you have to click again once the game starts to get the program to recognize your commands, or it just sits there. Preloaders are downloadable and free in the 'Downloads' section at the top of any Newgrounds screen.
This fragment is too small, though. If you MUST submit a demo, make it be about a quarter of the game; levels 1 thru 3 out of 10, or something like that. Enough to get a taste, but still be enjoyable. Don't submit a poorly constructed partial level and call it a game demo.
Please finish before you submit. If you need ideas or suggestions, watch more stuff on Newgrounds. You'll eventually get new ideas of your own, not copying someone else's ideas or work like some people here do. If you can't come up with ideas on your own, please don't submit anything. Just leave submitting to the people who do have ideas. And finish their flashes.