Yes, the time thing sux.
The music is good. The bunny is sooo cute when he's eating the carrot!
There are a few things to change, though.
1. Instructions. It's a set of mini-games, from what I can tell, but you're dropped into a level with no heads up as to what to do, so by the time you've figured it out, you've lost valuable seconds. I lost level 1 because I thought you had to click on the carrot. I did. Once. Then, when nothing happened, I started clicking fast, but I'd lost enough time that I lost the level. On level 2, I never found the carrot. I always ran out of time, and having to replay the previous level over again, I shut it off after 3 or 4 tries without finding the carrot.
2. Replaying levels. If you lose, you have to replay the previous level. It's not so bad when you're on level 1 or 2, but once you get to the higher levels, going back to replay all the levels can get annoying. With no instructions, you're almost guaranteed to lose at least once with only 10 seconds to figure out the level and then win it. I played level 2 like 4 times, and without finding the carrot, I stopped playing cuz I didn't want to try level 1 over again.
The game is cute, but it needs more time, or instructions, or both. :)