Actually, no. You need to have quality pictures!
First, try to get a straight-on picture. This angle is a bad angle. If you have to put it on the floor and stand over it, that's fine, do it.
Get good light. If it's in direct sun, that may be too bright, so try with the curtains at various stages as well. If that's too dark, or if you have blinds, consider putting up a white sheet for the sun to filter thru.
Try to remain steady, and take a few pics to be sure. Set the camera on something if the picture is upright, or put it on one wall of a hallway with your back against the other. If it's on the ground, hold a broom or mop handle in your hards as well as the camera, but keep it at an angle so it's out of view. Also, keep the squishy side up, not down, or your brace will still be moving, and so will your shot. If you can unscrew the handle it'll help.
Good pictures make ALL the difference. Don't submit poor pictures because that's all we have to judge your work and your talent!
Hope that helps. :)