If ONLY she looked like that! She'd have been a lot more popular. :)
If ONLY she looked like that! She'd have been a lot more popular. :)
Me like! :D
Thanks Exedor. More will come!
Dood, I love your work.
...but the motivational, text/pic things are getting old. :\
Thank you for taking the time to review, but I am curious as to what you find motivational. The overwhelming majority of the 284 (and growing) pieces of this series are largely focused on the consequences of war, loneliness, and life as a wounded man: to include this piece as well. Perhaps with the exception of the very last two lines, I would say there is little motivating about either half of this piece in general. I hope, instead, the 'getting old' is a lack of being able to relate: of which I would be grateful. I, and many like me, would prefer no one else to share our experiences. If you have, I apologize with all I am and would then include you in my memorial day thoughts in the future as well.
With Sincerity,
She gotz big butt. ...and I can not lie. ;)
This is a great piece, but it's WAY too big! It's loading on my cable modem as if it was a 56k dial-up modem. And when it's brought to full size, it's so big that nothing's discernable. I find that the best visualizations are when the longest span is less than 2000 pixels.
Other than that, I really like this one.
It's the dimensions that the teacher asked for. It's kept big so that I can print it in high quality and big paper if I ever want to put it up for a gallery or in my portfolio.
You've got some great artwork, but the display method is killing it. :\
You want people to see your art in the best way possible.
- Try to get more picture and less 'other.' Crop out all the extra stuff so your art can take up the most space, and not have to compete with the cat on the desk, your DVDs on the shelf, or the underwear on the floor that wasn't supposed to be in the picture.
- Set the picture and the camera so that you're taking the photo straight on. This gets rid of angle distortion.
- Have enough light, but not direct sunlight as it can be too bright and fade detail. Filter the light so you have light, but not shadows or bright spots.
- Be aware of size. At normal size, this looks good. But when brought up to full size, this is so big that it's hard to take it in. If my monitor is at 1024 tall, then 2448 makes it so only 40% is able to fit onscreen, for example. I set mine at 1166x845. That's what size they came out, but it wors wwell, as you can see it at normal size, but at full size, nothing is lost outside the edges. Some outside is ok, but too much cuts out the art your worked hard to make.
- Use a scanner. That's how I got mine in. It was set at 150 DPI (I think) and then I still cut down the size by about half. Then, I ran them thru Photoshop to get any colored pixel noise out.
All my pics came out of a book just like this. I removed the pages so they could be scanned. Yes, I had to be careful when removing them, and they were problematic to get back in until I figured out the easy way.
Your artwork is good. Just be aware of what else is in the picture as well, and try to get lots of the art, and less of the 'stuff.' :)
Thanks man I really appreciate the kind words and the time you took to write this review. I was recently scouted and the person who scouted me said i really need to scan my pieces. I only recently created a Newgrounds account so these pictures are a couple months old. So I never had the intention to post my work up but I really get what you're saying. The dimensions are ridiculous I know, I'm not even gonna lie so I apologize. I will scan all the pieces I can and re-upload them. Thanks man I really appreciate the advice :D
Love it. :D
This is the Art Portal. It's for drawings, paintings, digital artwork, and the like. Not for pictures of food. Sorry. :\
From the Art Portal FAQ:
Q: No photographs? What about a photo of a painting I did in real life?
A: A photograph of a sculpture, painting, or some other piece of art you have made are in fact exceptions to this rule. Feel free to submit scans and photographs of your art if it's not already in a digital format.
This is food art that I did in real life. Please be informed before you go doing things that make yourself look foolish.
Age 52, Male
Umbrella Corp
Colorado Springs CO
Joined on 1/15/05