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Looked finished to me. Remove the word unfinished from the title...nah, change the title to something better, and call it good. Well, call it done. The music changed about the time the credits showed up, so it works as it is.

There wasn't any real story to go along with it, and the music wasn't really my taste, so I can't say it'll ever end up in my faves. But it wasn't bad enough to blam. So give it a decent name and call it your first 'official' piece. If it's unfinished, it doesn't quality as "first official..." anything.

My advice, though, is that you're picking up on something that could be very useful. The right music with the right story/animation to go with it can really appeal to people. Find a good piece of music (Dubstep does not count as musci, BTW) and make a great story to go along with the music and you can have yourself a winner. Soundtracks from movies can be great material to start on, as they are made with the emotion built in. Add your own story to the beautiful, high-emotion music, and let the music tell the story for you.

Go to my faves and watch these:
Hoy Te Amo++
Ready's Voyage
My Angel
Hillside Settlement

Notice how there are no words at all. The music tells the story. Notice, no dubstep either. ;) Also notice their scores. You're picking up on it, so use that as a course of action and make something great.

Hi, and welcome to Newgrounds. It's always a good idea to hang out on a site and learn about it before submitting anything.

Now, you do know that Newgrounds is for animation and games, right?

The occasional 'real video' does come thru, but the score usually suffers here, because we prefer to stick to animations and games.

This is video, and so this is better suited for youtube. :\

Ha! If all 'my first animations' were like this, Newgrounds would be awesome again! I was worried when I saw your comment, but this was awesome! Thank you for putting real effort and pride into your work. It definately paid off!!!

UmbralTide responds:

Thank You, that's really nice and a big relief.

What you have is good. But please don't submit tests to the Portal. This isn't the place for this. The Portal is for finished items only. The Forums are what you want. Load this into your Dumping Grounds. It's the third icon from the left at the very top of the page when you're signed in. It looks like a bucket with an arrow pointing down. Once it's loaded there, copy and paste the link into the Forums (Community>Forums). That way, people see it and give tips, which is what you want, but it's not in the Portal, filling your account with low scores or blams, which you don't want.

http://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/help-i nformation/content-submission

Good luck. :)

KnightGamer1000 responds:

Actually this is finished work to be stricking honest. Plus this is my first video I posted on this site. I thought I start out small and work my way up. Best I do that than work for hundreds of hours for a first video and then get shot down. But thanks for saying that it is good I appreciate that. :)

"Subscribe to my youtube"

Why would we want to subscribe on youtube when we can follow you here? Newgrounds is better for this sort of thing. Youtube can keep the blah-videos.

This is very nice!. Animations like this are more than welcome here. :)

Who is the singer? There are no music credits.

Rikognition responds:

Ok. Just want to try to make good stuff for people to enjoy. Credits in title and the side - Clara C Music btw

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