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The credits are 60% of the submission.

brittyxkitty responds:

Sorry about that. Just wanted to make sure everyone on set got proper credit and recognition.

Soooooooo tired of Harlem Shake. But this was one of the better ones. You got the concept right, whereas many have very few characters, and/or very little change in movements once the song kicks. As far as that goes, this was done right. I just hope this idea is about to stop coming thru the Portal.

Muscles and flexibility... muscles move the body, and flexibility is how the body moves... and yet there was NO movement in this animation. That doesn't make a lot of sense.

Your spelling needs a workout, as it's pretty weak.

Your knowledge of anatomy is on par with your spelling and pronunciation.

"Quadropecs" ...? Did you mean 'Quadriceps?' Quad-ri-ceps

"Trapezus"? Trapezius ...you spelled it right. It's correctly diagrammed too. Trap-ease-ee-us

"Latissimus Dorsi" Wrong. They're not in the middle back, they're at the sides, and are sometimes referred to as 'wings.' Lattice-sim-us Door-si (psi/pie/cry/die)

"Petroalis" These are the large muscles of the chest, called 'Pecs' for short, and are pronounced: Peck-tor-al-is. They do not go above the collar bone, as your drawing suggests.

Deltoids. That red you drew is actually not muscle, it's your collar bones. Deltoids are the whole "ball" of muscles (front, side, rear) where the arm attaches to the shoulder.

"Gastronemis" You slaughtered that pronunciation. Gastrocnemius = Gassed-rock-knee-me-us. You drew it correctly.

Tendons connect muscle to bone.

Ligaments do NOT hold things together like a glue. They connect bone to bone.

Bloody awful. Please pay more attention to your studies and less attention to your priapism.

Google it, Sparky.

xlZancolx responds:

Listing things is a good way of making some one mad, insults along not-so-helpful "corrections" is a really good way to make me mad. Encase you didn't notice half the claims that you've stated is taking what I said and specifying them. If you want to look like a smart tough guy for all your little buddies on this site then do it somewhere else. I'm right, I know what's in the damn animation, and I am for one not proclaiming this to be a Vincent-Fucking-Van Gogh. One last thing to clarify for your "Bloody" ass is that I got a perfect grade for this, it's not to be pretty or perfect, it just get's the job done. If you failed to notice that then it really shows a lot about your character, "Sparky." So you can go bite the big one because I don't need to read any constructive criticism that doesn't even help me. You punk ass bitch.

SahWEET!! :D

Alldin responds:

thnks m8 =D

Wow. This was tough to rate. What's with the screen capture? That's a prime way for people to submit things that are not their own, so don't do that. If you've got the file, submit the file. If you dont, why not? Stick figures...whoopee. Yet, it was still well done and mostly interesting, so that's good. The movie was 3:00 and the credits were 2:25, which means this was almost half movie, half credits. That was kinda rough. But I liked the ending song, so that helped. So this had some good, some bad, and some inbetween. Like I said, this was hard to rate. :\

BryanBULLETHEAD responds:

Something weird happened with the upload I had to convert it to a avi file with camtasia studio. This is my collab though. I'll try to fix this.

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