
1,690 Movie Reviews

623 w/ Responses

49 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Please put it in the Audio Portal. You can still vote as normal, but this is not an animation, therefore, it doesn't belong in the Flash Portal.

Byron has a point in his review below. In the Audio Portal, you can jump back and forth in the song, but you can't do that now. The Audio Portal is best for this.

The jokes aren't funny. The story drags along. The audio is poor (watch this: http://www.newgroun ds.com/portal/view/590285, it'll help). Sorry, but this is just not good.

straberrykiler6789 responds:

1. you think jokes aren't funny.
i am sorry you didnt like the jokes
perhaps you could say why and perhaps tell me how i can improve
maybe its just not your kind of movie

2. you say the story drags along
this point constitutes a greater level of constructive criticism
you are suggesting that i shorten the movie a little or perhaps "improve it"
you dont say what is wrong with the story besides it dragging on

3. The audio is poor
ok, i agree with you to some extent on this
i only recorded part of the the song
but i had to compress the audio alot
i am guessing from the video you linked to you think the recording was the problem
that was AlexanderThe9th

you said "Sorry, but this is just not good."
youre just apologising as not to seem rude
and telling me you dont like it
but i cant please everyone

It wasn't bad, but how will anyone know what's going on when it's in spanish? Can you put it in english so we can follow along?

mikexdporsiempre responds:

Now read the description of the video and see :)

There's more regular photography here than time-lapse. At least time lapse has some interest to it, but regular doesn't. Some of the scenes were in cool, beautiful, or interesting places, but many of the scenes were in normal, not so interesting places. Albatross was all time-lapse, and it was ok, but unfortunately, this fell flat. :\ Sorry.

Gerkinman responds:

Thats cool man, I feel what your saying.

When are you going to make a flash to put the Clocks in their place? They say Strawberry Clock is king of the Portal and the Clock Crew runs Newgrounds, but you just got 24 pages of reviews in 6.5 hours. I don't think any clock has ever done that.

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