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Since you've now submitted the finished one, you should take the unfinished one down.

There's really not much improvement over the other one, except the addition of backgrounds. This one is watchable, and yet, the audio clip isn't all that entertaining, so it makes for a flash that's not all that interesting, at best.

Rather than trying to add more to this one, count this as experience and use it to make the next one better. :)

FlowJoe responds:

trust me, i will :D

Haw! xD

Better. Now, we're waiting for that full animation. :)

madnesia19 responds:

thanks for that tip dude ;)

Actually, I found that funny. x)

How to improve? Well, there was more of a slideshow feel than animation to it. You need a few more frames to push it into the animation catagory. Sound was pretty good. Story was funny. Go to my most recent new post for tips and tutorials that might be helpful; especially the tutorials.


This needs to go in the Games Portal. That's what it's for.

Also, please don't submit tests or unfinished things to the Portal. If people submit unfinished things, then this will become an unimpressive site.

If you want feedback and tips, that's fine, but this isn't the best place for this. The Portal is for finished items. The Forums are what you want. Load this into your Dumping Grounds. It's the third icon from the left at the very top of the page when you're signed in. It looks like a bucket with an arrow pointing down. Once it's loaded there, copy and paste the link into the Forums (Community>Forums). That way, people see it and give tips, which is what you want, but it's not in the Portal, filling your account with low scores or blams, which you don't want.

Good luck! :)

How do you do your music?

DrRuybalid responds:

I use a special Program that lets you add music, but I also had to add my own music. I used the WMV player on a Mac to record my music.

Newgrounds is for animations and games, This is neither. It's not all that interesting. The music is nice, though it makes me want to fall asleep in my chair. This is best suited for youtube, or maybe a VHS tape somewhere.

MrWhahoopee responds:

Thanks, sorta'. The reason I don't have much animated things is because I haven't really gotten the hang of animation. Plus, once I come up with an idea, I suddenly get bored of it. I don't know what they call that... animators block or something? So yeah, sometime in the future, I will have animations. It's just hard, you know?

Age 51, Male

Umbrella Corp

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