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Yes, post tests in your news post with a link to your dumping grounds.

Load this into your Dumping Grounds. If you don't know, it's the third icon from the left at the very top of the page when you're signed in. It looks like a bucket with an arrow pointing down. Once it's loaded there, copy and paste the link into your news post, or go to the Forums (Community>Forums). That way, people see it and give tips, which is what you want, but it's not in the Portal, filling your account with low scores or blams, which you don't want.

Don't yell into the microphone.

Poosac responds:

Thnx for your helpful review .__.

They might be on to something...

Now, you do know that Newgrounds is a site for animation and games, right? Yeah, there's a reason that the other things you see on here are drawn.

The occasional 'real video' does come thru, but the score usually suffers here, because we prefer to stick to animations and games.

Newgrounds is a site for animation. There may be a few videos here and there that go against that but generally all videos on the site are some sort of animation, or have animated aspects to them. If it's not already, then I suggest you upload this to sites like Youtube or Vimeo and see how you do there, but this isn't Newgrounds material. :\

This is nowhere near ready to be put up. This is 15 seconds, and that's not nearly finished.

Please don't submit tests or unfinished things to the Portal. If people submit unfinished things, then this will become an unimpressive site. Would you hang out on a site where none of the movies or games are completed? Think about it.

If you want feedback, tips, and ideas, that's fine, but this isn't the best place for this. The Portal is for finished items. The Forums are what you want. Load this into your Dumping Grounds. If you don't know, it's the third icon from the left at the very top of the page when you're signed in. It looks like a bucket with an arrow pointing down. Once it's loaded there, copy and paste the link into the Forums (Community>Forums). That way, people see it and give tips, which is what you want, but it's not in the Portal, filling your account with low scores or blams, which you don't want.

The Portal isn't for tests or unfinished items, tho: http://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/help-information/content-submission

Good luck. :)

AnimeBoss responds:

So that's what the dumping grounds is for :T anyway thanks for the feedback. I'll try not to make this an unimpressive site =w=.

Age 51, Male

Umbrella Corp

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