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Please put more time into your animations.

Yes, I know they're 1-hour animations.

Please put more time into your animations.

pizzabagel18 responds:

Ok. Understood. I will put ones later in the series then. I know these aren't good animations, It's started out just to get faster. But I appreciate any feedback, so thanks.

Please send a message to Wade and request your account to be closed. :)

If you don't want "Youtube poop," then why would you submit this?? :\

Detectonomicon responds:

The main difference is that YouTube poop rarely has animation in it, and my video actually has a lot of it.

It works. But it's a run cycle and nothing more.

For what it it, I would say- good job. :) 3/10

As far as remaining on the site, though, I've got to say that it's lacking. :\ 0/5

Newgrounds is for finished items. BUt people have been submitting tests, demos, parts, bits, and such for so long that it's started to get thru, and now people don't know what to do. This is a good example. It's good, so should it get blammed? It's not a story, a finished animation, a completed project; it's a mostly finished loop. Should it stay on here with the finished items? This is too good to feel good about blamming, but it's totally lacking in what it needs to stay.

It passed, so it'll stay, but please only submit finished items. This will forever be an unfinshed bit floating around here, since you won't ever finish it. You'll upload the finished item as a new file, and we'll have both here.

And that's one of the biggest problems Newgrounds has now. Unfinished bits and what to do with them. :\

pencilfreak responds:

Ok thanks it's just a run cycle but thats what i intended it to be :) i was testing out flash as im learning abut the program for future jobs, as for uploading it, like i said i'm new to the site and have no idea what is or is not allowed on here but as they excepted it surly its ok but if everyone on here feels that way then i probably won't upload any animation test's as i don't have time to do the standard flash animation styled polished work you see on here.

I miss the good ol' days of Newgrounds whistle blowing.

Where has our Newgrounds gone?? :'(

No. Please don't.

Animations are great, so please do more. But as for this, please don't.

If I don't want to watch it on Youtube, I don't really want to watch an animated version on Newgrounds either, y'know? Sorry. :\

IN-the-trees responds:

It's not an animated version, it's an animated parody. Y'know?

It's things like this that are destroying Newgrounds.

How should I vote on this? What's here is good. What's here is entertaining and hints at an enjoyable finished item.

But that's the problem. It's unfinished. There's just enough here to be considered 'good.' But there's not enough here to be considered 'finished' so how should I vote?

If I vote 0, then this could be blammed, and if it's not finished, why should it be on here with all the things that ARE completed? But this has some good in it, so is a 0 accurate for what was submitted? Not really. But what's the alternative?

If I vote 2, which is the minimum score to pass it, then if it passes, it will forever be unfinished because you'll submit the finished item as it's own file, so we'll have both the finished and unfinished versions on here. And, no, you can't delete it later. At least not without sending a few messages off to Wade or the mods and asking it to be deleted, and few authors ever do that. I can't vote higher than 2, because 3, 4, and 5 are scores that should go to finished items that deserve a full score, and this isn't finished. Think about it; who would give a 4 or 5 to half a story?

This is the debate, and this is what's destroying Newgrounds. No one wants to blam something that has some good in it, but no one wants Newgrounds full of halves and parts and bits and tests. This isn't Testgrounds, after all, right? But so much unfinished stuff gets thru now because people see unfinished things on here right next to all the finished stuff, and no one knows what's supposed to be here now; finished, unfinished, or both.

I like what's done. I wish it was all done. I may pass this to use it as an example when explaining the "Too good to blam, but too unfinished to pass" issue to people. Would like to see it finished, tho.

That wasn't a cat. That was a fox.

I liked it though. :)

Warlord-of-Noodles responds:

there is reasoning behind the name choice.... that is all I shall say for now. ;p

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