While I'm glad you have a girlfriend, whom you love, I really can't give this video high marks.
The starting screen gave no indication that it was doing anything and ran way too long. As I was about to assume it was stuck or done, it started going. The sprites were very pixelated. The storyline was lite, and the bananas at the end were kinda hard to read, although I know what you were going for. The idea was good, but worked out kinda rough. So all in all, the video was serviceable, but not great.
I also find this to be quite rude and in poor taste, seeing as there are very few people here on Newgrounds who actually have real flesh and blood girlfriends. Not animated, not imaginary, not ponies, but real girlfriends. To rub in the fact that you have a life and a girlfriend really might rub a few around here the wrong way.
Although I'm not impressed with the submission, I'm not offended as some could be. So, am I somewhere in that list? Um... I'll let you know once I get back from Equestria. ;)